My Fourth Book

A product of thought, at times readers call this a philosophical adventure in literature, is a summed-up observation from nature and its inhabitants. The words in architecture of the many essays were combined during a span of nearly two thoughtful years.

A cup of chai in companionship as you read the many essays in this book “Yes Ace” is sure a warm up spirit to any reader.

My Fourth Book


This book is dedicated to women in my life and womanhood. Women are from Venus and Venus symbolises love, appeal, ambition, beauty and passion. And true – the assortment of essays over a cup of chai – will stimulate readers’ nerves and give a twist as pages turn non-stop till the last one. The essay number 20 is titled “the 212-degree Fahrenheit” and read to feel the warmth and simplicity through each page. As you read the essay “shades of grey” and move onto the one titled “Imagination is about exploration” you sure have finally come to some conclusions that you may think “why did I not think so, so long?”