My Second Book

Relationship is a most often spoken word but understanding relationship and applying in real life is not an easy task. Here comes the book “Unravel Relationship Algorithms” a MINDBOOK.
Written by a daughter, her husband and her father whose combined professional experience is over 80 years carried out research and validated practical experience in 12 multinational companies where they worked. No wonder this book is an AMAZON Best Seller.

My Second Book


The chapters are addressed to explain issues and probable approaches to handle interdependent relationship matters across layers commencing from relationship with SELF. Though the format is built around corporate, life and living is all about one to the other / others. Each chapter brings out critical ALGORITHMS as a filtered and critical tool that when applied in personal life, can change the way relationships make things different. Making a decision and applying these algorithms is a personal choice left exclusively for the reader. He / she may have different kinds of relationship issues and the best choice depends on the one who needs to amend.

Content is a product of research, gained over a span of decades of professional approach in varying situations and tactfully useful for a revisit to the current and change course using the right algorithm.

Authors chose to use the benefit arising from the sale of the book to support management education and in 2020 paid to needy students of management to pursue their education. The corpus fund is termed “Unravel Relationship Algorithms”

Readers can consult co-authors after reading the book.

Available on Amazon / Flipkart.