My Seventh Book

Sreedevi Unni (Late actor Monisha’s mother) asked me how did I give the title “my beautiful ladies” to my seventh book. Many more asked.
This book contains stories in Malayalam of women who suffered as women in their lives. Instead of fighting against those who inflicted pain, these women found ways to learn from what they underwent and refocused their attention on society and other women so that they do not fall into readymade traps.

My Seventh Book


Sreedevi Unni (Late actor Monisha’s mother) asked me how did I give the title “my beautiful ladies” to my seventh book. Many more asked. This book contains stories in Malayalam of women who suffered as women in their lives. Instead of fighting against those who inflicted pain, these women found ways to learn from what they underwent and refocused their attention on society and other women so that they do not fall into readymade traps.
“Are these stories real?” another avid reader enquired. I mentioned “If you felt so, I did a job mixing reality and imagination into these stories”. This book has a tilt and all stories are being told by women. Individually on their tough life experiences that did not mellow them down or brought their lives to stand still – rather they chased a brave front of dealing with trauma and sacrifices. In the end these are women whose inner beauty is surfaced more than the conventional beauty per say.
Most readers including men write to me – “Good narratives and each sentence represent their inner voices”. A book that is selling as readers identify themselves with the way story unfolds.

amarnath pallath 7th books